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Physical Education

"Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong." --- John F. Kennedy




Lion's P.E.


Physical Education is more than just learning and developing new skill components for your body.  Physical Education is much, much more and models itself just like the Mission Statement here at St. Helen Catholic School:  …committed to educating the whole person to see with Christ’s eyes.    All games, exercises, and activities are geared toward helping each individual socially, physically, and morally as they encounter different phases of life and keep perspective of ongoing Christian Formation here at St. Helen Catholic School. 


Socially: Students interact with one another in high order thinking games, cooperative activities, and in teams that help form communication skills necessary to work towards their goals.  (Examples include:  Working in different groups…not just with best friends; Taking part in team building exercises)


Physically: Students work on flexibility, agility, strength, and endurance components to help them stay fit and active now, but more importantly, build a foundation that will lead to a healthy lifestyle.  (Examples include:  Participating in Fitness Gram Exercise Program; Playing various team games promoting constant movement)


Morally: Students learn how to respond, serve, and provide for one another by leading prayer, applying boundaries and rules to their games, and accepting all even though skill levels vary from person to person. Examples include: No bullying/teasing policy during games; Using Rock, Paper, Scissors to settle disputes; Taking time to discuss the positives and negatives that may have come about during games).